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  • A Chronological Tour Through the Bible

  • De : Ron Rhodes
  • Lu par : Tom Parks
  • Durée : 16 h et 8 min

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A Chronological Tour Through the Bible

De : Ron Rhodes
Lu par : Tom Parks
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    Travel straight through the events of Scripture.

    Imagine how your understanding of the Bible could grow if you knew how every part and player fit together on the stage of time!

    Bible scholar Ron Rhodes, author of the popular book The End Times in Chronological Order, now presents a spectacular bird's-eye view of God's larger work - past, present, and future. You'll hear:

    • Who was used by God to display his glory and spread his message
    • What key happenings shine a light on God's will throughout the ages
    • When the true stories of Scripture took place - in order
    • Where these events unfolded, and the direction humanity is headed
    • Why it's important to study these details found in God's word

    Are you ready to take the tour? Experience the wonder of knowing your Bible better - and let this inspire you to draw closer to God than ever before.

    ©2018 eChristian (P)2018 eChristian

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