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  • A Christian Woman's Guide to Finding Prince Charming and Keeping the Toads away!

  • A Spiritual Guide to Dating for the Christian Woman
  • De : Alexis Smith
  • Lu par : MacLynn B
  • Durée : 2 h et 24 min

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A Christian Woman's Guide to Finding Prince Charming and Keeping the Toads away!

De : Alexis Smith
Lu par : MacLynn B
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    The ultimate dating book for Christian Women.

    It's not your average book on dating. This book was inspired by true events to help the listeners to identify with everyday life. It shows insights into the spiritual battle that women face when waiting on God for their life partner.
    Join Alexis as she shares her story of personal failures and triumphs. She takes you on this journey of dating and relationships.

    Excerpt: “After Three failed marriages, I was single again. What was God telling me? Was I just not marriage material Or Did I have a problem with choosing Mr. Right?”

    What you will Learn:

    • How to avoid bad relationships and identify the true God-given ones. -
    • How to make wise choices and not to settle for less than God’s best in your life.
    • How to avoid the common mistakes we make in dating. -
    • How to truly be happy and fulfilled.
    • How to avoid the traps that cause you to lower your standards or compromise.
    • How to avoid the tricks that keep you from your blessings
    • How to Identify Mr. Right!
    • ....And so much more...

    If you are single or divorced, I pray you don't start another relationship without reading this book first. It may save you from years of heartbreak. Learn how to avoid the traps that cause you to lower your standards or compromise. Become aware of the tricks that try to keep you from your blessings. Connect with the Love of your life and find fulfillment for your soul. Discover the tools needed to make you an empowered wise single woman, capable of identifying her prince charming and keeping the toads away!

    ©2003, 2010 Alexis D Smith (P)2024 Alexis D Smith

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