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Couverture de A Chance Inheritance

A Chance Inheritance

De : Carolyn Brown
Lu par : Brittany Pressley
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    Three women return home in search of second chances in this heartwarming short story from New York Times best-selling author Carolyn Brown.

    What do a runaway bride, a free spirit, and a corporate exec have in common? Besides all being down on their luck, Lainie, Jodi, and Becky are Lizzie Cornell's granddaughters. Upon inheriting their grandmother's home and family bait shop, the three cousins return to Catfish, Texas, grieving Lizzie's passing and hoping to find the fresh start they all need. 

    Turns out cohabitating together and running the Catfish Fisherman's Hut isn't at all like the idyllic summers they spent as children on the banks of the Red River. The days are long and hot, the tourists demanding and rude. And then there's Chris, a local river guide who seems to have eyes only for Becky. 

    But Lizzie's death has set in motion a chain of events that will cause a new generation of Cornell women to come together. And thanks to this chance inheritance, some local fishermen, and the love of their Granny Lizzie, the Cornell cousins discover that sometimes an ending is really the beginning of a brand-new happily ever after. 

    ©2021 Carolyn Brown (P)2021 Audible Originals, LLC.

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de A Chance Inheritance

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      3 out of 5 stars

    I kinda wish it were longer

    I was out of ideas and started looking for books narrated by Brittany Pressley (I loved how she read "Never Saw Me Coming" by Vera Kurian). This is a novella revolving around three female cousins who have inherited their grandmother's store. Most of the story feels like the beginning of another one, so I'm not entirely sure if I liked it or loved it. I did find it a bit too cheesy at times, especially because of the energetic narration. It was good fun though.

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