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  • A Budget Trumps Love

  • Personal Finance: The Road Map to Successful Budgeting for the Average Millennial
  • De : Ajani Imo
  • Lu par : Kimberly Yvonne Steele
  • Durée : 2 h et 17 min

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A Budget Trumps Love

De : Ajani Imo
Lu par : Kimberly Yvonne Steele
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    Do you struggle to put away money at the end of each month? Have your purchases taken on a life of their own? Does your paycheck grow wings and fly before you can get it into your bank account?

    You’re not alone. Many people today have trouble keeping money in their savings, and the problem is even worse with millennials. Whether it’s because of the school system or the economy, financial literacy is at an all-time low.

    A budget is the most important tool in any young person’s financial arsenal - and the results go further than your bank account. After all, the top two reasons marriages fail are infidelity and finances. Money and love are both lifelong commitments, and they affect each other more than most of us realize. It’s no surprise that budgeting can help you find, create, and maintain everlasting happiness.

    A Budget Trumps Love is a money-saving resource that’s equal parts informative and fun. Think of the author as a friend trying to help you see the light and get your act together!

    In A Budget Trumps Love, you’ll find out:

    • How a budget can affect your life - and your love life
    • The four basic principles of budget construction: sacrifice, delayed gratification, putting needs before wants, and commitment
    • How a budget equips you with tools to find (and keep) the perfect partner
    • The different means of budgeting, from zero-based to the envelope method
    • How COVID-19 has disrupted traditional financial advice, making experts give new and different recommendations
    • Why it’s never too early (or too late) to start tracking your money
    • Special ways to save for retirement, travel, gifts, and self-care
    • The different options for investing, including 401k, Roth IRA, stocks, mutual funds, and crypto
    • Why you should always pay yourself first, and the ideal ways to do it
    • How to create generational wealth and leave a legacy for your children and grandchildren
    • Tips and tricks to save on subscriptions, insurance, and credit card interest
    • A savings challenge that will have you put away $496 in just one month without even thinking about it
    • How a good budget will set you up to live well and prosper

    Budgeting is a vital skill for any millennial, and it’s never too late to get started. No matter how much you make or what amount you’re currently spending, you can learn to track and save your money. 

    A Budget Trumps Love equips you with the tools and skills it takes to build a house of love. When you master your finances, you’ll master your romantic life, as well.

    Take charge of your bank account as well as your emotions. Scroll up and one-click A Budget Trumps Love now!

    ©2021 Jaleesa Hardy (P)2021 Jaleesa Hardy

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