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Couverture de A Book of Pagan Prayer

A Book of Pagan Prayer

De : Ceisiwr Serith
Lu par : Michael Butler Murray
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    Steeped in tradition based on more than a quarter century of research and practice, A Book of Pagan Prayer teaches us to pray in the ways of our ancestors for very modern times and concerns. A unique collection of nearly 500 prayers written to fulfill the needs of contemporary pagans from a variety of traditions, A Book of Pagan Prayer is a book to turn to again and again.

    First published in 2002, the revisions to this new edition include rearranged chapters and prayers and the addition of two new chapters, all of which make the book easier to use. The chapters are now arranged in an order that follows a ritual, and all the litanies have been moved to their appropriate chapters. Two new chapters - "General Requests and Offerings" and "Travel, Protection, Imprecatory" - combine two types of prayers out of the general "Petitions" into one. Prayers have been labeled with the deities to which they are addressed and arranged in logical order within each chapter. Prayers to new deities have also been added. In addition, a major problem with the first edition has been corrected: prayers for Lughnasadh/Lammas and Midsummer, two of the eight great neopagan holidays, have been added.

    ©2002, 2018 Ceisiwr Serith (P)2022 Tantor

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