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A Black Journey in Tech

De : Dwight D. Jones Sr.
Lu par : Dwight D. Jones Sr.
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My objective is to encourage anyone, but more specifically, the next generation of technologist, particularly Black people, by sharing my story.

There is an underrepresentation of Blacks in technology, also referred to as the digital divide. However, the truth of the matter is that Black people throughout history have always contributed to technical advancement. The problem I want to solve is that the numbers of Blacks in technical jobs today are despairingly low. I believe that this is in part due to the contributions of Black people in tech being obfuscated. When you cannot see yourself in a role, you make the assumption that there is not place in tech for me. As a result, Black people are largely missing out on the opportunity and benefit that working in high tech is providing to the world. Did you know that the VOIP technology that allows us to meet in Zoom or Teams calls, the Electek microphone in your computer and mobile device and the first digital cell phone, were contributions by Black inventors? I believe this message and many other similar stories including my own could be the genesis of an idea that could propel or encourage the next generation to their success in technology.

When I started in technology on my late father’s birthday, March 3rd, 1986, I was an assistant third-shift computer operator making $7 an hour. This career choice has opened so many doors and provided a path where I have led or contributed to world-changing innovations across multiple industries—from those humble beginnings to a career that has made me a millionaire; more importantly, a career that has taken me from the low bar set for my existence to traveling the globe and leading highly technical initiatives for one of the top technology companies in the world. I am a pioneer and building a legacy for others like me who were and are marginalized. Today, my wife and four of my six children are Microsoft full-time employees.

©2022 Dwight D. Jones Sr. (P)2022 Dwight D. Jones Sr.
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