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Couverture de A Bit Much

A Bit Much

De : Lyndsay Rush
Lu par : Lyndsay Rush
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    The debut poetry collection from Lyndsay Rush (aka @maryoliversdrunkcousin) is a humorous and joyful celebration of big feelings, tender truths, and hard-won wisdom, for fans of Maggie Smith, Kate Baer, and Kate Kennedy.

    At long last, a book of poetry for people who didn’t even know they liked poetry. And they’re in good company: author Lyndsay Rush didn’t know she liked it either. That is, until she embarked on an internet experiment under the Instagram username @MaryOliversDrunkCousin that turned into a body of work that struck a chord with women across the country; thanks to her signature wordplay, witticisms, and—against all odds—wisdom.

    With titles like "Shedonism", "Someone to Eat Chips With", "It’s Called Maximalism, Babe", and "Breaking News: Local Woman Gets Out of Bed", Rush’s debut collection of poetry uses humor to grapple with the female experience—from questioning whether or not to have children, to roasting the patriarchy, to challenging what it means to "age gracefully"—and each piece delivers gut-punching truths alongside gratifying punchlines. Listeners walk away from Lyndsay’s work feeling seen, celebrated, and wholly convinced that joy is an urgent, worthwhile pursuit.

    With over 140 convention-bending poems—most of which are never-before-seen—this book is quite literally A Bit Much.

    ©2024 Lyndsay Rush (P)2024 Macmillan Audio


    "Deeply relatable, and bursting with joy, whimsy, abandon, and true, unencumbered delight. Mary Oliver said 'you do not have to be good'; I feel like her drunk cousin has added: 'but you ARE already fabulous, right in this moment, just as you are.'" —Melanie Zanetti, actor and voice over artist

    "Lyndsay’s poems reinvent the tired societal messages women receive as feminist rallying cries. As funny as they are subversive, these poems will make you laugh, cry and share with all your friends." —Joy Sullivan, author of Instructions for Traveling West

    A Bit Much has the kind of warmth, wisdom, and wit that will leave you crying, laughing, or cry-laughing. Lyndsay Rush’s poetry brilliantly blends both the playful and poignant parts of womanhood through sharp observations, creative wordplay, and killer punchlines, placing you back in the scenes of your life when you most needed to feel seen. Every woman who has been made to feel like they deserve less will cherish A Bit Much." —Kate Kennedy, New York Times bestselling author of One in a Millennial

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