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  • A Beginner’s Guide to Public Speaking

  • Overcome Anxiety to Improve Your Speaking and Presentation Skills
  • De : Kyle Mendelson
  • Lu par : Chris Smart
  • Durée : 3 h et 18 min

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A Beginner’s Guide to Public Speaking

De : Kyle Mendelson
Lu par : Chris Smart
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    Do you fear public speaking?

    Are you in search of a way to build confidence or control your nerves before giving a presentation?

    If so, keep reading….

    It’s no secret that effective communication is crucial to success in any field.

    According to the National Institute of Mental Health, an estimated 73 percent of people suffer from glossophobia, which is defined as the phobia of speaking in front of a group of people. This is characterized by an inability to regulate one's emotions in accordance with an excessive fear of public speaking.

    Within this book, you will learn all about the components of a powerful speech, how to properly prepare for one and how to deliver your presentation in the most effective manner using both verbal and nonverbal communication patterns. More importantly, you will learn the key strategies to overcome social anxiety barriers that inhibit you from ever taking the stage.

    Whether you're leading a team presentation at a board meeting, or speaking to a crowd, this book can help develop your public speaking persona to increase your ability to engage audiences and make an impact with your speech. I have spent years as a corporate productivity coach where I learned the nuances of effective communication in both business and social settings.

    Inside this book, you will discover:

    • How to step outside your comfort zone and build confidence
    • The three key pillars of an effective speech
    • Proven strategies to properly rehearse before giving a presentation
    • How to outline and write a captivating speech from beginning to end
    • How to properly analyze your audience for maximum effectiveness
    • The most powerful nonverbal communication patterns proven to capture an audience
    • How to effectively transition between talking points
    • The critical components of vocal delivery you can’t skip
    • Actions you must take before and after a speech to leave the greatest impact

    Ready to begin your transformation into a more confident speaker?

    Give this book a listen now!

    ©2022 Ecom Direct Ventures Inc. (P)2022 Ecom Direct Ventures Inc.

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