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Couverture de A Bear to Share

A Bear to Share

De : Jessica Alba, Kelly Sawyer Patricof, Norah Weinstein
Lu par : Jessica Alba
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    Business leader, actor, and Baby2Baby ambassador Jessica Alba and Baby2Baby co-CEOs Kelly Sawyer Patricof and Norah Weinstein deliver the important message of giving back from an early age through this tender and delightful story.

    Tiana loves her teddy bear, Bach. She doesn’t mind that he’s a little worn and somewhat torn. So when her mother suggests she make room for a new bear, Tiana can’t believe her ears!

    Will Tiana have to lose the one bear she really loves? Or will she find room in her heart for two?

    Find out in this endearing tale about a young girl who learns the importance of letting go and giving back.

    A girl with a big heart who loves her teddy bear, her family, and her best friend, Tiana will appeal to any child trying to understand what it means to give back to others.

    ©2021 Jessica Alba, Kelly Sawyer Patricof, Norah Weinstein (P)2021 HarperCollins Publishers
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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