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Couverture de 99 Bad Boy Traits That Instantly Attract Women

99 Bad Boy Traits That Instantly Attract Women

De : Marc Summers
Lu par : Marc Summers
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    In 99 Bad Boy Traits That Instantly Attract Women You’ll Learn:

    • The mindsets, behaviors, and habits of the few men who consistently attract and date beautiful women
    • How to stop annoying women, freaking them out, and scaring them away
    • How to stop getting disrespected, used, trampled on, dumped, and heart broken
    • The correct reactions and responses to attraction and dating problems
    • How to minimize the fears and insecurities causing you to screw things up with women
    • How to become an attractive, high-value, fun, exciting guy that women NEVER get bored with
    • How to keep high-quality and hard to get women in your life for as long as you want
    • What you should never sacrifice just to make women happy
    • How to wear the pants, keep your balls out of women's purses, and not be seen as a pussy
    • How to stop being an anxious, emotional, needy, jealous, co-dependent, and approval seeking nice guy
    • How to correctly handle tough situations with women and minimize the risk of them running away
    • How to quit being scared of approaching, getting phone numbers, and interacting with women
    • How to quit giving a shit what everyone thinks and why it's extremely important to attract women
    • The 4 IMPORTANT body language that instantly make you different from other men
    • How not to make things worse when women are being emotional, irrational, and acting crazy
    • How to make sure women always stay excited to see you again
    • When, what, and how much to say when talking to women
    • What is too humble and wimpy vs. too cocky and arrogant
    • How honest you should be with women and whether it helps or hurts your situation
    • How much space you should give women and why it's important
    • How much jealousy and drama is acceptable and why
    • When to joke around with women and when to be serious and mature
    • How to stop being afraid of rejection and not take it personally
    • And More

    ©2015 Marc Summers (P)2015 Marc Summers

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