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7 Words That Can Change the World

De : Joseph R. Simonetta
Lu par : Pete Beretta
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We exist as a tiny fragment of an immensely larger interlocking whole in which all of the parts are interconnected and depend upon each other for survival.

Simply put, everything is connected to everything else.

We exist not separately but in communion with all other living things.

Life, an interrelated interdependent phenomenon, has behavioral demands.

These demands can be summarized in seven words.

These seven words have the power to change life as we know it: The way we govern. The laws we enact. The way we do business. The way we treat employees, our environment, each other, and ourselves.

When we follow these seven words, our lives change.

As many of our lives change, our world changes.

To follow these seven words requires entering into a clear understanding of the reality in which we exist.

Our window of opportunity to make the necessary and monumental shift in thinking is small compared to the large obstacles in our current belief systems that must be dissolved.

Yet, we must do this if we and all the other life forms that share this jewel of a planet are to survive.

Only then, will we improve the quality of our lives, arrest, and reverse our destructive and unsustainable momentum, end our needless suffering, prosper together, find peace, sustain humanity, and advance our civilization.

©2017 Joseph R Simonetta (P)2019 Joseph R Simonetta
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