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  • 7 Fat Loss Facts After 40

  • How to Lose Weight and Feel Great in Less Than a Week
  • De : Dr. Amanda Borre
  • Lu par : C. S. Forkey
  • Durée : 3 h et 45 min

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7 Fat Loss Facts After 40

De : Dr. Amanda Borre
Lu par : C. S. Forkey
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    Are you dreaming of making these years after 40 your best yet? Have you been waking up with some questions about this new woman in the mirror? Perhaps you’ve noticed your energy levels lowering? Or you’re worried about the accumulation of unwanted belly fat?

    Sooner or later, we all have to face the shocking truth that age can sneak up on us. One day, we’re fit and active, and then suddenly, our body has changed. Not only do we experience numerous emotional and hormonal fluctuations, but we also find that it gets trickier to stay fit—not to mention shed a few extra pounds.

    Life after 40 is an entirely new and exciting experience. Ideally, we’d all like to stay healthy and strong to enjoy those moments. Want to know how?

    This audiobook is your fast, user-friendly, and sure-fire guide to begin losing weight and feeling great in less than a week! Benefit from chapters filled with eye-opening advice and targeted strategies for effectively losing weight, reducing stress, answering hunger cues, hijacking destructive habits, upholding your motivational streak, and so much more!

    Be honest with yourself. There are lots of diet programs and weight loss routines that promise immediate, striking results. However, some of them can be stressful and unsustainable long-term. We’re all different, so look for tips and tricks that work for you. With patience and dedication, you’ll soon find yourself manifesting your body goals with confidence and ease.

    Are you prepared to make positive changes to your lifestyle? Be bold. Be grateful. Feel alive. Here’s to living your best life after 40!

    ©2023 Amanda Beth Borre (P)2024 Amanda Beth Borre

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