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Couverture de 50 Ways to Leave Depression

50 Ways to Leave Depression

De : C.M. Fraser
Lu par : Sally Rose Zuckert
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    Stop negative thoughts, get out of bed, and find your life's purpose. 

    C.M. Fraser left no stone unturned in the quest for a straightforward depression cure. 50 Ways to Leave Depression presents a magic blend of the latest science, ancient wisdom, and inspiring art to rewire your brain for true happiness. 

    In this book, you’ll discover how small incremental changes to your way of thinking, your body, your environment, and your actions can completely transform your life.

    By the end, you’ll know the answers to the following odd questions and many more:

    • Where is your second brain and why does it matter? 
    • Which of 19 thought distortions are fooling you daily? 
    • How can you buy happiness? 
    • What is social jetlag and how can it completely disrupt your life? 
    • What is special about the color green? 
    • Why are the large muscles of your legs so important? 
    • What advice do all religions share on happiness? 
    • Why should you replace expectations with hope?
    • What do we have totally wrong about stress relief? 
    • How can gatekeeping stop you from overthinking? 
    • Why are mornings so crucially important? 
    • What brain secrets were discovered in our poop? 
    • How can decluttering make you happy?
    • What is rocking meditation?
    • What is lagom and ikigai and how can they transform your life?

    The author suffered from depression, anxiety, and panic attacks firsthand. As a result, the book’s tone strikes a delicate balance between deep compassion and brutal honesty. 50 Ways to Leave Depression skips the psychobabble and presents an easy-to-listen-to workbook with bite-sized chapters. It is a surprisingly "non-depressing" listen.

    If you can practice even a handful of the tips in this book, you’ll be well on your way to leaving depression behind and on to helping others in need!

    ©2020 CM Fraser (P)2021 CM Fraser

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