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Couverture de 50 Business Classics

50 Business Classics

De : Tom Butler Bowdon
Lu par : John Chancer
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    From Peter Drucker to Sheryl Sandberg, from The Five Dysfunctions of a Team to Creativity Inc., here are the 50 most important titles on organizational and personal success. Brand new title in the bestselling series.

    What do great enterprises have in common? What sort of person starts them? A single idea can help you find the next big thing, but it takes time to trawl through hundreds of business books to find inspiration.

    With insightful commentaries on the landmark writings of old and new, 50 Business Classics presents the great entrepreneur stories, the best management thinking and the proven ideas on strategy, innovation and marketing - in one volume.

    50 Business Classics presents the key ideas from classic texts such as My Years with General Motors and Michael Gerber's The E-Myth Revisited to contemporary business lessons from the rise of tech giants like Google, Apple and Amazon. It contains revealing biographies of luminaries like Steve Jobs and Warren Buffett, as well as lesser-known stories including creation of publishing giant Penguin and Chinese behemoth Alibaba. 

    Here you'll find the texts and ideas that matter in:

    • Entrepreneurship
    • Leadership
    • Management
    • Strategy
    • Business history
    • Personal development
    • Technology and innovation 

    Summarising the smartest thinking for today's professional success, 50 Business Classics provides inspiration and insights for entrepreneurs, executives and students of business and management alike.

    ©2018 Tom Butler-Bowdon (P)2018 Hodder & Stoughton Limited


    Nobody explains the gist of books better than Tom Butler-Bowdon, as he demonstrates to great effect in 50 Business Classics. The revelations about the creation of wealth, the changing nature of work and employment and the impact of technological advancements are timely, practical and relevant. (Bruce Rosenstein, Managing Editor, Leader to Leader; Author, 'Create Your Future the Peter Drucker Way')
    50 Business Classics provides an excellent base of management history, mission and goal development, and ethics. Highly recommended as a tool for business and personal growth. (Lawrence J. Danks, Assistant Professor of Business, Camden County College, New Jersey, author of 'Your Unfinished Life')

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