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5 Voices

De : Jeremie Kubicek, Steve Cockram
Lu par : Tim Andres Pabon
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    Discover your leadership voice and unlock your potential to influence others.

    5 Voices is the code for unlocking your capacity to have honest conversations and build deeper, more authentic relationships with your teams, your families, and your friends. In order to lead others effectively, we need a true understanding of ourselves, our natural tendencies, and patterns of behavior. In learning what your leadership voice sounds like to others, you will discover what it feels like to be on the other side of your personality as well as how to hear and value others' voices, namely the Pioneer, the Connector, the Creative, the Guardian, and the Nurturer. Once you understand your own leadership voice, you'll discover how best to communicate with each of the other voices, which will transform your communication at every level of relationship, both personal and professional.

    In mastering the 5 voices of leadership, you will increase your emotional intelligence, allowing you to gain a competitive advantage as a leader. You will also be equipped with a simple, easy to remember vocabulary that, when shared, has a track record for decreasing the drama, misunderstanding and miscommunication in all spheres of influence.

    Are you focused on relationships, values, and people? Or are you oriented more toward tradition, money, and resources? Do you know how others hear your voice? Do you appreciate the contributions of others on your team? This book will help you identify your natural leadership style and give you a framework for leveraging your strengths.

    • Find your foundational leadership voice
    • Learn to hear and value the voices of others
    • Know yourself before leading others
    • Connect and communicate well with team, family, and friends

    All five leadership voices come with their own particular sets of strengths, and all have areas for growth. Understanding both sides of the equation is the key to taking your leadership to the next level and is the secret to increasing your ability to influence your team, family, and friends. 5 Voices is a simple key that unlocks complicated relational dynamics and improves the health and alignment of all your relationships.

    ©2016 Pub House (P)2017 Gildan Media LLC

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