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Couverture de 5 Scariest Stories Guaranteed to Give You Insomnia

5 Scariest Stories Guaranteed to Give You Insomnia

De : Chilling Tales for Dark Nights
Lu par : Jonathan Jones, Mary Naugle, Jesse Cornett, Steve Taylor, Brindolyn McNair, Eden Jiry
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    2+ hours of insomnia-inducing scary stories, produced by the terrifying team behind the popular YouTube channel and website Chilling Tales for Dark Nights and the Simply Scary Podcasts Network. The terrifying tales in this spine-tingling collection concern macabre traditions, haunting helpers, unexplained disappearances, alarming artwork, and the frightening price a man is willing to pay for fame. Featuring stories by Niko Kurri, Lauren Munera, Maxwell Malone, William Dalphin, and best-selling horror writer Elias Witherow, this terrifying collection of 5 seriously scary horror stories are bound to give you nightmares, and are perfect to listen to in the dead of night. So what are you waiting for? Turn Off the Lights, and Turn on the Dark. Who needs sleep anyway?

    ©2018 Craig Groshek (P)2018 Craig Groshek

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