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Couverture de 5 Behaviors of Wise Parents

5 Behaviors of Wise Parents

De : Steven W. Vannoy
Lu par : Carl Martens
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    Oh no, not another parenting (and grandparenting) book!

    Seriously, this is not just another parenting book. This book is a game-changer in the parenting world. Built on three decades of sound parenting philosophy—and put into practice with thousands of parenting groups throughout the world that began with the author’s best-selling classic The 10 Greatest Gifts I Give My Children—this book picks up the message and moves parent-children interaction into 21st century parenting practice.

    You will learn new gifts we give our children such as self-reliance, honesty, and confidence, and you will learn how to put these gifts into action with five behaviors every parent can follow—simply and easily in every interaction with your children (or grandchildren).

    One outcome is certain: You will never be the same parent (and grandparent) you are right now after you listen to this audiobook.

    Steven W. Vannoy is a global executive who discovered the secret to building strong teams in corporate settings and developed those practices for parenting. He is the founder of the 10 Greatest Gifts Project based in Denver, Colorado, where he lives with the love of his life and does what he loves in life: hiking from his mountain home and playing his guitar, mandolin, and uke.

    ©2023 Steven Vannoy (P)2023 Steven Vannoy

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