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Couverture de 3000 Degrees

3000 Degrees

De : Sean Flynn
Lu par : Christopher Walker
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    On December 3, 1999, the call crackled in to the men of the Worchester, Massachusetts, Fire Department: a three-alarm warehouse blaze in a six-story windowless colossus of brick and mortar.

    Firefighters love the excitement of a "triple". But this was a different beast. Rollovers, flash-overs, back drafts - this one had it all. Once inside, they found themselves trapped in a snarling furnace of blazing orange heat as hot as a crematorium, with smoke so black and predatory they had to feel for their partners next to them. Swallowed deep in the building, with no way out, they struggled to survive an ill-fated ordeal that would push them to the very limits of loyalty and courage.

    What happened next, and how their lives and community were changed forever, offers an unprecedented look at these heroic men whose job it is to rush into burning buildings when everyone else just wants out.

    ©2002 Sean Flynn (P)2002 Listen & Live Audio, Inc.


    Audie Award Winner, Nonfiction (Unabridged), 2003

    "[Among] books appearing this year about fires and firefighting...the best of the lot is Sean Flynn's 3000 Degrees." (Newsweek)
    "Gripping prose...With confident, deft description, Flynn brings to life this 3000-degree catastrophe with a crackling intensity." (Publishers Weekly)
    "Christopher Walker captures that tragic day with a dramatic ending that focuses on the emotions of the people involved - the firefighters and their families waiting for word at home. He gives human perspective to this multifaceted view of one of the worst tragedies in firefighting history." (AudioFile)

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