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Couverture de 30-Day Mastery: Perfect Passato Prossimo

30-Day Mastery: Perfect Passato Prossimo

De : Olly Richards
Lu par : Olly Richards, Marika Clementi
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    ***For high-beginner to low-intermediate learners***

    Master the passato prossimo in the next 30 days with this innovative, story-based immersion method. Just listen to one chapter per day, complete the exercises, and watch as one of the trickiest parts of becoming fluent in Italian falls into place and improves your speech without a hitch!

    Most Italian students try to learn Italian grammar through rules and rote memorization, especially while trying to use the correct past tense in the right situation and context! This doesn't work, and is extremely stressful for you as a learner. Why? Because there are lots of so-called "rules" to learn, and it's impossible to hold them all in your head at the same time while you're speaking. It's also not a natural approach. Native speakers don't learn the language with rules and memory tricks, after all!

    With 30-Day Mastery: Perfect Passato Prossimo, you'll learn through example and context, just like native speakers do! The magic of learning through story is that your main focus is actually not on memorizing anything. Instead, you concentrate on understanding and enjoying the story! As you're listening, you will find that the different past tenses, and the instances in which they are used will begin to lodge themselves subconsciously in your brain. It doesn't happen right away. In fact, it may take a couple of weeks for you to feel the real effects. But by the end of this book, you'll have a native-like command of the passato prossimo that will amaze you and your friends!

    Not yet convinced? Here are all the features you will find in this book:

    • An audiobook designed specifically for students at high-beginner, low-intermediate level.
    • A detailed language overview so you can review and quickly understand the difficult parts of the story.
    • Short daily exercises to practice your new knowledge as you go.
    ©2022 Olly Richards Publishing Ltd. (P)2023 Olly Richards Publishing Ltd.

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