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Couverture de 3 Vital Questions: Transforming Workplace Drama

3 Vital Questions: Transforming Workplace Drama

De : David Emerald
Lu par : Sean Pratt
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    Transform workplace drama into workforce empowerment! New by David Emerald, author of The Power of TED* (*The Empowerment Dynamic) - over 100,000 copies sold! 

    3 Vital Questions is a teaching story about transforming workplace drama and its heavy costs to organizations.

    Working late at night, Lucas, a middle manager in a large organization, meets a custodian named Ted. The two strike up a friendship as Ted teaches Lucas three vital questions with the power to transform the disillusionment he is experiencing at work. Listeners follow Lucas as he learns how to shift from feeling like a victim to acting as a creator in his career. With the wise guidance of Ted and Kasey, a senior manager, Lucas applies the three vital questions and begins transforming his workplace relationships, with exciting results. At home, Lucas and his wife Sarah discover how the questions can spark creative collaboration with each other and their two young children.

    This long-awaited and highly enjoyable audiobook by the author of the bestselling self-leadership title, The Power of TED* (*The Empowerment Dynamic) ushers in a new era of possibility for the world of work. This book teaches David Emerald’s groundbreaking 3 Vital Questions® approach for empowering leaders and teams to become collaborative, engaged, and resilient in the face of the rapid changes that mark today’s increasingly complex, competitive environment.

    ©2019 David Emerald (P)2019 David Emerald

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