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Couverture de 27 Lies

27 Lies

De : MJ Fields
Lu par : Elizabeth Hart, Guy Locke
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    A long time ago....

    I was young and naive. I thought I could save the world. I thought that protecting those around me from hurt and pain was what I was born to do. She made me feel that way. Ava Links, the little girl who was too f - king stubborn for her own good. The little girl who absorbed the hurt and pain of everyone around her and tried to bring sunshine to them all. The little girl who somehow looked at me, expecting - no, damn near demanding - I protect her. I saw the pain she hid, and as I grew older, I understood that pain. The pain of being so much to so many that there is really never a "you."

    I took control of my life....

    I had to get away from everyone who pulled at me in order to claim myself. When I became the man I was destined to be, I began to live. Then, one drunken night, Ava Links, no longer a little girl, said the right damn thing to me, and everything changed. After seven years of f - king her while home on leave with no expectations, now my life is out of control. One bad dream, one I love you, one night of pushing her the hell out of my life, one drummer stealing her heart, and one explosion took everything away. Contains mature themes.

    ©2016 MJ Fields (P)2017 Tantor

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