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  • 21-Day Container Diet Success!

  • Healthy Meal Prep, Planning, and Nutrition for Weight Loss: Features 3 Unique Success Stories and 21 Example Daily Menus
  • De : Jennifer Robson
  • Lu par : Hope Bellinger
  • Durée : 1 h et 19 min

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21-Day Container Diet Success!

De : Jennifer Robson
Lu par : Hope Bellinger
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    The 21-day container diet success! A Healthy meal prep, planning, and nutrition for weight loss - features three unique success stories and 21 sample daily menus.

    If you’re like me, you’ve probably tried every fad diet out there in a desperate attempt to get fit - paleo, keto, gluten-free, Atkins - with little to no results. You’ve probably been frustrated with having to follow strict rules that seem impossible to make a part of your life.

    Maybe, you need to lose weight, as most of us Americans do. Perhaps, you are okay with your weight, but want to find a way to maintain healthier eating habits. Either way, I have found a solution that’s so simple and customizable that literally everyone can do it!

    The core to healthy eating habits is getting enough nutrients while regulating your calorie intake. Those needs are as specific and unique to each of us as our fingerprints. In my book, I will show you exactly how to implement healthier eating habits utilizing a system of meal-planning, portion control, and smart choices. I call it “the container diet” in this book, but really, that’s just the short way of referring to it.

    This book outlines a system that is sure to be suited to your existing life. At the center of this method’s success is its sustainability and adaptability to however busy your life is or whatever your specific dietary needs are.

    I will show you three different case studies about how this “diet” (and I don’t even really want to call it that; it’s not like all other fads) has worked for a busy family, a teen just starting college, and a single working guy. I want to show you how this method is practical, simple, and beneficial to your healthy living strategy.

    So, whether you need to shed a few pounds for that upcoming special occasion or you just want to eat better to feel better, this audiobook is for you.

    ©2020 Thames & Tower House (P)2020 Thames & Tower House

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