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  • 190 Weight Loss Hacks

  • How to lose weight naturally and permanently without stress
  • De : Jane Thurnell-Read
  • Lu par : Deborah Balm
  • Durée : 6 h et 45 min

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190 Weight Loss Hacks

De : Jane Thurnell-Read
Lu par : Deborah Balm
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    If you want to lose weight and keep it off, but you feel you’ve tried everything, keep reading....

    According to the CDC, 49.1 percent of adults in the USA tried to lose weight within the last 12 months. There’s so much fluff around offering amazing results that will only disappoint you and make you feel inadequate when they don’t work.

    That’s why this book is based on what the scientific research says. It turns out there is a lot of research on what works, whether you are trying to lose weight, reduce your obsession with food and weight, or maintain the weight you have lost.

    In 190 Weight Loss Hacks, you will discover:

    • How to succeed when you’ve always failed before
    • How to stop stress eating
    • How to eat more healthily without feeling deprived
    • How to stop your partner/parent/friend/colleague sabotaging your weight loss
    • How to stop your negative self-talk that tells you that you’re bound to fail
    • If exercise can help you lose weight
    • The research into the effectiveness low carb/keto diets
    • Simple ways to avoid holiday weight gain
    • How you can keep the weight off once you’ve lost it
    • And much more

    The information in this book is backed up by 370 references in the book—most are to research articles, university departments, and major health charities. You can trust that it works and will help you.

    Maybe you’re obsessed with food, dieting, and calorie-counting and aren’t sure you need another weight-loss book. 190 Weight Loss Hacks will help you reduce your obsession and calm your obsessive thoughts.

    Do you feel you don’t have enough self-discipline to lose weight? Scientific research shows that at its heart losing weight is not about self-discipline. It’s about knowing the exact strategies you can add to your life that will naturally mean you eat more healthily.

    Have you tried keto diets, low carb, calorie-counting, clean-eating, and found they didn’t work? Learn some simple strategies you can apply instantly that will give you hope and the motivation to have a healthy relationship with food and your body.

    190 Weight Loss Hacks offers 190 tips and strategies. There are bound to be some that will be easy and effective for you.

    If you want to get the practical, proven strategies to achieve weight loss and weight-loss maintenance, scroll up and buy now to get your book instantly.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2022 Jane Thurnell-Read (P)2023 Jane Thurnell-Read

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