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  • 15-Minute Parenting: The Teenage Years

  • Creative Ways to Stay Connected with Your Teenager (The Language of Play, Book 3)
  • De : Joanna Fortune
  • Lu par : Joanna Fortune
  • Durée : 8 h et 10 min

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15-Minute Parenting: The Teenage Years

De : Joanna Fortune
Lu par : Joanna Fortune
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    Parenting through the teenage years can be challenging and overwhelming. With more than 20 years of clinical practice, psychotherapist and parenting expert Joanna Fortune has devised a simple and proven 15-minute parenting model packed with practical, playful, and creative communication techniques to strengthen your relationship with your teenager. 

    Is it really possible to play with your teenager? Well, the answer is yes. Not only is it possible, it is a crucial to nurturing the surge in growth and brain development in this stage of childhood. 

    Combining neurological insights into the key stages of adolescence with a road map for playful connection, Joanna shows you how to navigate your way through the teenage years and adolescent behavior including how to: 

    • Build self-esteem and confidence. 
    • Establish a relationship of trust and respect. 
    • Encourage emotional resilience. 
    • Deal with mental illness including anxiety. 
    • Handle teenage friendships and when they turn toxic. 
    • Brave conversations about sex, gender, and sexuality.
    • Tackle the dark side of social media. 

    15-Minute Parenting: The Teenage Years is a vital toolkit that will enable you to better understand your relationship with your children as they grow and ensure that your parenting is growing with them. 

    15-Minute Parenting: 0-7 Years and 15-Minute Parenting: 8-12 Years are also available now! 

    ©2020 Joanna Fortune (P)2020 Thread, an imprint of Storyfire Ltd.

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