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Couverture de 13 Ghosts Awakened

13 Ghosts Awakened

De : Gary Rose
Lu par : Phil Ewert
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    In "13 Ghosts Awakened," the chilling legacy of Dr. Plato Zorba looms large over a contemporary setting, setting the stage for a harrowing journey into the unknown. Dr. Sullivan, a renowned skeptic psychologist with a knack for debunking fraudulent spiritualists, finds himself thrust into a world of the supernatural when he's approached by the last surviving member of the Zorba family.

    Tasked with ridding the infamous Zorba mansion of its spectral inhabitants, Dr. Sullivan reluctantly agrees, drawn by the challenge and his thirst for unraveling the mysteries of the mind. Accompanied by a team of five intrepid students, each with their own reasons for delving into the unknown, Dr. West enters the dilapidated mansion under the guise of a scientific study. But as they step across the threshold, they unwittingly trigger a chain of events that awaken the dormant horrors within. As the mansion comes alive with malevolent energy, the team discovers Dr. Zorba's journal, revealing the twisted experiments and obsessions that bound the spirits to the estate.

    Trapped within the labyrinthine corridors, they must navigate a deadly game of cat and mouse with the vengeful ghosts, each more terrifying than the last. But the true horror lies in the revelation that Dr. Zorba's grip extends beyond the grave, his spectral presence determined to add the intruders to his collection. With time running out and their sanity hanging by a thread, Dr. Sullivan and his team must confront their own inner demons and unlock the secrets of the mansion before they become permanent residents in its haunted halls.

    ©2024 Gary J Rose (P)2024 Gary J Rose

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