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12 Ways You Can Make a Difference in This Crazy, Mixed-Up World

De : Gordon A. Dickson
Lu par : Gordon A. Dickson
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In this crazy, mixed-up world, how can you make a difference? That’s the question this book will help you answer for yourself. The Bible was written in similar crazy, mixed-up times. In fact, much of it was written under moral and spiritual conditions that were worse than our own. There have also been times in American history when things were just as bad as they are now, or even worse.

But throughout history, believers have made such a dramatic difference that they have been accused of turning the world upside down.[i] And, in a sense, those accusations were correct. The gospel of God’s grace sets people upright in a topsy-turvy world.

How did the people in the Bible make a difference? How did our ancestors address significant moral and spiritual problems in their day? They discovered that the Lord’s pattern of discipleship leads His people to fulfill their purpose in their churches, families, and nations.

At this moment, there is a great need for those who can make a difference in our society. Commenting on the 9/11 terrorist attack, George F. Will wrote, “the nation’s decade-long holiday from history came to a shattering end.”[ii] That attack on American soil was a wake-up call for the nation. American Christians have also ended their holiday from history. The trouble signs are everywhere as the fear of God slowly ebbs from our society. Each new day brings news of another descent into deeper depravity.

How can Christ’s followers make a difference?

This book will give you 12 ways to make a difference.

[i] Acts 17:6.

[ii] George F. Will, “The End of Our Holiday from History,” The Washington Post, September 12, 2001, accessed at

©2023 Gordon A. Dickson (P)2024 Gordon A. Dickson
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