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12 Laws of Karma

De : Manhardeep Singh
Lu par : Manish Dongardive
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    Life repeating the same old patterns? Embrace these 12 Laws of Karma to manifest a new version of yourself as well as life.

    The audiobook includes to-the-point language and tone with the intent to reach the listener in a clear way.
    12 Laws of Karma will help you:

    • Understand your impact on whole world
    • Have awareness of how each one of us is connected
    • Achieve the growth you are looking for
    • Change the Karmic position
    • Understand how to get from here to there

    12 Laws of Karma is an intriguing self-realization audiobook. If you like self-improvement, therapeutic, life-changing audiobooks, then you’ll love Manhardeep Singh’s indispensable audiobook.
    Buy 12 Laws of Karma to start changing the world around you today!
    This audiobook is skillfully narrated by Manish Dongardive.

    Produced and published by Echo Point Books & Media, an independent bookseller in Brattleboro, Vermont.

    ©2021 Manhardeep Singh (P)2024 Echo Point Books & Media, LLC

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