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Couverture de 12 Hours to a Great Marriage

12 Hours to a Great Marriage

De : Howard J. Markman, Scott M. Stanley, Susan L. Blumberg, Natalie H. Jenkins, Carol Whiteley
Lu par : Chloe Cannon
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    For more than 30 years, the internationally renowned marital researchers from the Center for Marital and Family Studies at the University of Denver have been helping couples around the globe replace loneliness with connection, frustration with understanding, fear with confidence, instability with commitment, revenge with forgiveness, and monotony with passion. Their program is called PREP®, short for the Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program, and it's been so successful that its creators have been featured on Oprah, The Today Show, and 20/20, and its benefits have been documented in the New York Times, USA Today, Woman's Day, and Redbook.  

    Until now the only way you could experience this winning 12-hour program was to attend a weekend workshop. But now, with 12 Hours to a Great Marriage, you can discover the simple, effective strategies that have helped thousands of couples - happily married, having issues, or planning to marry - to develop and protect their love, easily and at your own pace. Each chapter covers one of the key ingredients of the program, like Being Best Friends, Having Fun Together, and Protecting and enhancing Your Love Life, and shows you how to take the steps that research shows are the basis for a long-term, healthy, loving marriage.

    ©2004 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (P)2019 Tantor

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