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Couverture de 11 Dreams

11 Dreams

De : Sabrina Y. C. He
Lu par : Sabrina Y. C. He
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    Why you need this audiobook:

    In this audiobook, I will teach you how to transform your life so well that people will literally ask you for advice. Imagine, 18 months from now, you are no longer stuck in life. You are free to do what you love at any time. You are healthier, happier, fulfilled, and productive. I stumbled upon the six secrets to self-discipline and had my dream come true in less than four months.

    If you feel stuck in life with no way out, you need this audiobook.

    This audiobook is a game changer.

    Who says self-discipline should be hard and boring? Question that opinion! Be prepared to transform your life. My self-discipline secrets put you into beast mode to take consistent actions, to work towards your dreams, to achieve your desired lifestyle, and to do what you love. You will be obsessed with your new, awesome lifestyle!

    Inspirational, real-life stories

    Immerse your heart and soul into my real-life story and feel the feelings. You will gain insights, inspiration, strength, and easy-to-do action plans to achieve the lifestyle that you have always dreamed of; so buckle up, relax, and enjoy the ride while you learn. Learning is fun and exciting.

    What is in it for you:

    I invite you to submerge into my real-life story. Let me guide you through the steps to live your dreams through self-discipline. In this audiobook, you will get to learn:

    • My journey and adventures as I worked to achieve my six dreams
    • Mistakes that I have made and life lessons that I have learned
    • My secret recipe for consistent, pleasant, and effective self-discipline
    • How to find your dreams
    • As a bonus, how to deal with loneliness and feel truly happy on your own

    Don’t wait! Get this audiobook today! You have nothing to lose but so much to gain. You will be glad that you did!

    ©2019 Yan Chang He (P)2019 Yan Chang He

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