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  • 101 Motorcycle Adventures and Tours

  • Amazing Touring and Travel Routes for Motorcycle Riding
  • De : Harley Ray
  • Lu par : Benjamin Powell
  • Durée : 3 h et 39 min

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101 Motorcycle Adventures and Tours

De : Harley Ray
Lu par : Benjamin Powell
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    This book is designed to give the everyday motorcyclist many ideas on great destinations, incredible road routes and awesome places to enjoy traveling on your motorcycle. It includes a vast array of ideas from many countries across the world including the UK, US, Australia, Canada and New Zealand.

    If you need inspiration for new adventures to take on your motorcycle, this is the book for you! It provides 101 insights and valuable information where you can discover your next motorcycle journey. You will also discover the basics of motorcycle touring, along with tips and tricks to help you on the way. If you're bored of the same motorcycle routes or simply need some inspiration on where to go next, this book will help you to do that. Each destination in this book has been selected not only for its scenic beauty but also for its ability to enrich your understanding of the world.

    From the historic routes winding through the British Isles to the expansive, rugged landscapes of the Australian Outback, these journeys are about discovery. They challenge preconceptions and awaken a sense of adventure that lies dormant in daily routines. The book also includes many places where bikers meet, great places bikers eat and awesome biker events along the way!

    ©2024, 2024 Harley Ray (P)2024 Harley Ray

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