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  • 1000 Amazing Facts About Britain for Kids

  • Over a Thousand British Facts About Cool Science, Amazing Nature, Weird Customs, Funny Accents, and Loads More!
  • De : Ben Flowers
  • Lu par : Frank Grey
  • Durée : 3 h et 41 min

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1000 Amazing Facts About Britain for Kids

De : Ben Flowers
Lu par : Frank Grey
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    "Dee ye nah wata mean kidda?" Yes, this really is a type of British accent.

    "Chasing a wheel of cheese down a hill is a sport in Britain?" Yes, it really is.

    "People in Britain eat jellied eels as a treat?" Yes, they are surprisingly nice...

    Discover all the wonders of Britain in "1000 Amazing Facts About Britain for Kids!" This intriguing and sometimes bizarre journey takes young listeners on an adventure through all sorts, from gory histories to absolutely mental traditions... Yes, it's normal to burn a man in a hat who is made of old newspapers and jumpers on bonfire night. Totally normal.

    This epic and fun book of facts explores the breathtaking British landscapes and meets famous inventors and authors who shaped the world. You will encounter diverse wildlife, savor delicious dishes like fish and chips, and join in on our epic folklore and festivals. Bursting with curious customs and mind-boggling facts, this book celebrates Britain's rich heritage and cultural treasures.

    Perfect for eager learners and curious minds, it's great for any child who loves to explore the extraordinary wonders of Britain's past and present!

    Whether you're a local or a faraway dreamer, there's something for everyone!

    ©2023 Ben McQueeney (P)2024 Ben McQueeney
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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