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  • 10 Weeks Couples Therapy Workbook

  • Engaging Strategies and Exercises to Enhance Communication, Rekindle Love and Deepen Intimacy in Your Relationship
  • De : G. Gagliardi
  • Lu par : Tarryn Sarcone
  • Durée : 3 h et 14 min

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10 Weeks Couples Therapy Workbook

De : G. Gagliardi
Lu par : Tarryn Sarcone
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    Breathe life into your relationship and turn routine back into romance and silence into heartfelt conversations – all in 10 weeks!

    Have the sparks in your relationship dimmed over the years? If the excitement of the early days feels like a distant memory and you're left wondering where the connection has gone, you're not alone.

    Many long-term couples find themselves in a rut, yearning for the intimacy and friendship they once shared. But it doesn't have to stay that way. You can rediscover the joy and depth of your partnership, not by chance, but through a guided exploration designed for couples just like you. This workbook is your roadmap to revitalizing the love, trust, and joy you share, tailored for those who've weathered life's ups and downs together.

    Inside, you will discover:

    A fresh perspective on why your relationship feels stuck, with exercises that help you trace back to your roots – understand how you've grown and where you can still go together

    Communication breakthroughs that feel like turning on a light in a dim room – deepen your connection and understanding, far beyond the usual "How was your day?

    Why deep friendship is the secret of a lasting relationship – and how to bolster this foundational aspect through shared interests and experiences

    Trust-building strategies to help you move beyond past hurts to a place of mutual confidence and reliability, where vulnerability is not a weakness but a strength

    Romantic revival tips that bring back the butterflies, with spontaneous date nights and heartfelt gestures tailored to what makes each of you feel loved and valued

    Conflict resolution skills for the real world – transform arguments from battlegrounds into opportunities for growth and understanding, respecting boundaries along the way

    Financial harmony practices that align your dreams and realities – make sure money talks become a source of unity, not tension

    And much more!

    ©2024 Gisela Gagliardi (P)2024 Gisela Gagliardi

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