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Couverture de 10-Minute Chair Yoga for Seniors Over 60

10-Minute Chair Yoga for Seniors Over 60

De : J.C. Harrison
Lu par : Kim Miller
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    Transform your aging experience with a powerful exercise method designed to reshape your well-being, regardless of your health challenges! Ready to discover its secrets?

    Chair yoga offers a powerful cocktail of benefits tailor-made for your golden years. Its your secret pathway to a life of increased energy, reduced stress, and improved strength and balance.

    All you need to unlock its incredible benefits and launch into the future with energy and vitality is this clear and compelling audiobook and a chair, of course!

    Inside this essential guide to chair yoga for seniors, you'll discover:

    • The incredible health benefits of chair yoga
    • How to prepare for an effective session with your chair
    • Life-changing breathing techniques you can use to enhance your practice
    • A clear and accessible 28-day yoga challenge for beginners
    • A complete guide to specific poses to help with posture, weight loss, mobility, flexibility, and more
    • Clear, step-by-step instructions for each pose with beautifully simple color illustrations
    • Each exercise highlighted for its specific benefits
    • An advanced 28-day challenge ready and waiting for you once you've grown in confidence and skill
    • How to easily integrate meditation into your practice
    • The reason nutrition is chair yoga's best friend and how to use it as your secret weapon on your journey of empowerment

    And much more.

    Everyone wants to be healthy and vital in their golden years, but if exercise has been off your radar for a while, you might be intimidated to get started.

    Your answer to improved strength, balance, and mobility is waiting for you. Are you ready?

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2024 J.C. Harrison (P)2024 J.C. Harrison

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