Suzanne Chadwick

Suzanne Chadwick

Suzanne Chadwick is a business coach to savvy women in business as well as working with SME’s and corporate big guns to help them build a brand that stands out. Suzanne is super passionate about business owners communicating in fun and engaging ways, getting creative and enjoying the work they do and how they put themselves, their business and brand out to market. The Connection Exchange has been around since 14th March 2014, running events, workshops, summits, dinners and breakfasts because who doesn’t love a great event? Suzanne can be found on Instagram @theconnectionexchange_ and on Facebook Live at least once a week at You can also sign up for updates and events at and get energy booster notes, new podcast episodes and helpful vlogs every week with the low down on building an epic biz and brand.
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  • Prix : 13,42 € ou 1 crédit audio

    Prix avec réduction : 13,42 € ou 1 crédit audio

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