Sarah Potter

Sarah Potter

Sarah Potter's writing career began at school, when she penned lengthy pop-star romances and science fiction stories for her fellow students' entertainment instead of doing any work. Later, at night school, a famous horror author awarded her the class prize for writing the scariest opening to a novel. In 2010, she reached the finals in the fiction category of the Aesthetica Creative Works Competition with a dystopian romance between a beggar who had made himself intentionally legless and a girl with bad skin. She blames her more offbeat and unhinged literary characters on her time of working in psychiatry. Her earlier jobs included kennel maid, serving in a pub, shop assistant, factory worker, and secretary, all of which proved valuable life experience; however, anything that involved mathematical calculation or the operation of money tills did not last long. Nowadays, Sarah concentrates on her novel writing full-time. She also loves to encourage others in their creative endeavours. This includes running a once-monthly guest-storyteller slot to showcase the work of fellow authors on her blog "Sarah Potter Writes".
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