Phyllis Edgerly Ring

Phyllis Edgerly Ring

A writer of fiction and nonfiction, Phyllis Edgerly Ring watches for the noblest possibilities in the human heart. She's always curious to discover how history, culture, relationship, spirituality, and the natural world influence us and point the way for the human family on its shared journey. Her latest nonfiction is a collaboration with authors Diane Iverson and Ronald Tomanio, With Thine Own Eyes: Why Imitate the Past, When We Can Investigate Reality? She has worked as writer, editor, nurse, tour guide, program director at a Baha'i conference center, taught English to kindergartners in China, and served as instructor for the Long Ridge Writer's Group. She has written for such publications as Christian Science Monitor, Ms., Writer's Digest, and Yankee, worked as editor for several publications, and published two nonfiction books about creating balance between the spiritual and material requirements of life. More information can be found at Follow her blog, Leaf of the Tree,at
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