Judy Sharer

Judy Sharer

Judy Sharer, author of A Plains Life series brings you Love-Challenged Life - Book Four in her historical romance, family saga series. Love-Challenged Life wraps you in love and continues the great story line you have come to love. Book One - Settler’s Life, Book Two - Second Chance Life, and Book Three - Civil War Life are all page-turners. This clean and wholesome series is great for the entire family. Judy's writing is inspired by her passion for history, the simpler life of settlers in our country’s expansion of western lands during the mid-1800s, and her love of researching the Civil War. Writing is Judy’s second career after more than 30 years in education. She hones her craft writing daily in the northwestern mountains of Pennsylvania where she appreciates the outdoors, the changing seasons, and a good cup of coffee in the morning. Thank you for visiting my page! Please follow my profile for important updates. And thank you for your reviews! To learn more about Judy, her next book releases, or to sign up for her newsletter please visit her website, https://judysharer.com Also follow her on Facebook and Twitter.
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