Dana Wise

Dana Wise

Dana Wise (born 1973) is a certified financial professional with rich experiences. She worked for large accounting and audit firms, corporations, and start-ups. Dana managed 50+ people in director positions. Now she is a self-publisher. * Early in March 2020, when it became clear that the pandemic will lock people at home, everything in our lives would change. A lot of people would need help to find a new stream of online income and save precious money. So I jumped in straight and wrote my very first books. I want to provide not only great tips on what to do but rather how to do it. I am providing life-changing mindset advice within my books that can be applied in all areas of our lives, not just money prosperity. PS: Oh, just a warning. Working from home alone can make us crazy. But don’t tell this to anybody; otherwise, they stop us. Enjoy today! *** July/August comet *** If you have a clear North-West view, watch that way an hour or two after sunset. You may spot a comet. It’s visible with the unaided eye these evenings. However, it’s better to search it with binoculars. Such a chance happens once in many years, don’t miss it. And wish something nice when you spot it.
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