Cindy Hiday

Cindy Hiday

Writing in the spirit of adventure and happy endings, Pacific Northwest author Cindy Hiday has won numerous honors, including first place in the Kay Snow Awards for Fiction from Willamette Writers. Her humorous literary novel, Father Son & Grace (republished as Destination Stardust), is a five star Readers’ Favorite and a local book club choice. When she isn't writing, Cindy enjoys hiking and growing her own produce. Stories about people who discover they're stronger than they thought, who find themselves in situations that nearly break them yet keep going: those are the stories I enjoy reading and creating. If I can give a reader courage through one of my characters, then all the research and sweat and angst of writing has been worth it. And a story must have a satisfying ending! What's the point of following characters through hardship, only to see them fail? They may not end up with what they had been striving for, but they end up with something that makes them a better, happier person. You can visit Cindy's website at
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