Cathryn Barkulis-Smith

Cathryn Barkulis-Smith

Cathryn Ann Barkulis Smith, or as she is known as "Simply Cathryn" was born and raised in Chicago, lived in Key West, Florida, were she studied yoga. Then off to San Francisco in 1976, and as the country was celebrating its independence - so was she! Here Cathryn started her training and life-long career in Herbology, Flower Essence, Homeopathics, Naturapathics, Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Then back to Florida where she raised her family and started her career working in the field of Holistic Health, Weight Loss and Life Coaching for the past 35 years and still resides there. Her success as a Coach and Nutritionist is reflected in 11 Tons of fat lost! As a seeker, Life and Experience has been this Medicine Women's most reliable and trusted teacher. As a teacher, Cathryn's walk returns us to the Ancient Way's reconnecting us to what she calls OM-Medicine, what The Power of Weee calls, Original Medicine.
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