Caron Kamps Widden

Caron Kamps Widden

Caron Kamps Widden is the author of the novel, Restoration, and the suspense novel, The Lies We Keep. She was a submissions reader at Zoetrope: All-Story, the award-winning literary magazine founded by Frances Ford Coppola, an editorial assistant at Orange Coast Magazine, and was a sports writer for a local newspaper. Having lived all over the country and abroad, Caron draws from her experiences traveling and learning about different cultures. She believes the author begins the novel, and the reader finishes it. With that in mind, she writes character driven novels for the reader who appreciates understanding the character's motivations and an intricate plot line. She lives with her husband in beautiful south central Pennsylvania and they have three grown children. Caron is currently at work on a new novel. For more information about Caron's books and writing tips, visit her website at
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