Bill Foss

Bill Foss

“The Secrets of Spiritual Success” is a clear and concise road map providing an overview of understanding of 1000’s of years of spiritual teachings, inquiries, and understandings. This book will help you to connect the dots more quickly in life, while adding to your studies already in motion or providing a great primer source to get started from. Whether you are a mystical student from beyond or simply looking for answers, this book was created to enliven and enrich your search, practices and studies. This book will turn on the lights for you and keep them on.” Bill Foss is a Visionary Artist & Spiritual Teacher who has taught in the US, Mexico, the UK, and Europe. Guided by Spirit through years of studying the higher mind, spiritual paths from around the world, ancient cultures, healing and the arts. Bill brings through today his knowledge from the Akashic Records as well as insights, applications and explanations of many of the traditional world spiritual studies and esoteric paths. This book is a tool for grasping what every one of us has been searching to understand since the beginnings of our journey: Who Are We? Why Are We Here? and What’s Next?
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