Amelia Gagu Harris

Amelia Gagu Harris

I was born, raised and educated in South Africa, I am from the Zulu tribe, Shaka Zulu tribe. My mom and dad sent me to parochial schools for my middle and high school education in private boarding schools. I came to America to attend graduate school for my Masters degree in School Counseling. I am a certified High School teacher in South Africa, I have a school counseling certification with the State of Georgia (S-6). I have a specialist degree, Ed.S in school counseling. The reason why I started writing children's books is that when my children were young, I did not want them reading any garbage, therefore I used to sit down and choose what they are going to read. I saw all these books published with no didactic connotation, it set me on a quest to do something about it. One day I observed ants in my office going back and forth touching each other as they were passing by. That sparked an interest in me, I told my friend that there is some kind of communication going on and I want to find out what is going on. I told one of my children to go to the library and check out all the books about ants. When I read them, I became very interested in ants, I asked God to give me a book about ants that will tie with my job as a school counselor. He is faithful, about six months later, I received my book and it is called "Ants At Work: A Child's Introduction To Careers." I self published it with Outskirts Press, it was important for me to preserve my rights because it is copyrighted. I did my own illustrations. I have since written a lot of books. I was very excited to learn about Amazon. I have been working on it and it is a blessing to do this all by myself without going through the publisher and to pay all that money to publish. Amazon allowed me to be my own boss and to make my own illustrations. This is a blessing and I am so thrilled by it. Show Less
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