Aiyana Sequana

Aiyana Sequana

I am a California (USA) native who obtained my degree in Rhetoric and have always been fascinated by the power of the written word. More recently I have become a student of Compassionate Communication, and learning how a shift in the way we think about things can lead to better human connection. I have always been a bit of a bookworm and, since having become an adoptive mother, I am particularly sensitive to the dynamics surrounding adoption. When my daughter was about to turn five, I searched my mind for a way to entertain both her and her friends at her birthday party. Out of this came the idea of creating a puppet show. No surprise there. I had been creating and performing them for my younger brother and sister when we were children. I was excited by the prospect of putting together a puppet show. I was also very clear in my mind that I wanted to not only entertain my daughter and her friends but to acknowledge that she was adopted. As my daughter was all about fairies at the time, it was also obvious to me that the main character needed to be a fairy. Out of this came Violet. The story seemed to just flow out of me and, as the story came together, certain nuances having to do with adoption naturally became part of the story. I found the process very rewarding, including the staging and performance of Violet at my daughter's party. It was a big hit. Fast forward to my daughter turning 21. Oh my, my baby isn't a baby anymore. This lead to becoming nostalgic which, in turn, lead to Violet coming out of storage. My mother was thrilled with the story and asked if she could draw illustrations for it. Silly question. She drew them day and night, without stopping. When the muse strikes, one cannot help but ride the wave. Thus Violet evolved into Violet's Magical Journey: A Story of Adoption. We hope that you will enjoy it as much as we enjoyed creating it.
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