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  • Washed and Waiting

  • Reflections on Christian Faithfulness and Homosexuality
  • De : Wesley Hill
  • Lu par : Adam Black
  • Durée : 4 h et 10 min
  • 5,0 out of 5 stars (1 notation)

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Washed and Waiting

De : Wesley Hill
Lu par : Adam Black
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    This is a book written primarily for gay Christians and those who love them.

    Part memoir, part pastoral-theological reflection, this book wrestles with three main areas of struggle that many gay Christians face:

    (1) What is God's will for sexuality?

    (2) If the historic Christian tradition is right and same-sex behavior is ruled out, how should gay Christians deal with their resulting loneliness?

    (3) How can gay Christians come to an experience of grace that rescues them from crippling feelings of shame and guilt? Author Wesley Hill is not advocating that it is possible for every gay Christian to become straight, nor is he saying that God affirms homosexuality. Instead, Hill comes alongside gay Christians and says, "You are not alone. Here is my experience; it's like yours. And God is with us. We can share in God's grace."

    While some authors profess a deep faith in Christ and claim a powerful experience of the Holy Spirit precisely in and through their homosexual practice, Hill's own story, by contrast, is a story of feeling spiritually hindered, rather than helped, by his homosexuality.

    His story testifies that homosexuality was not God's original creative intention for humanity—that it is, on the contrary, a tragic sign of human nature and relationships being fractured by sin—and therefore that homosexual practice goes against God's express will for all human beings, especially those who trust in Christ.

    ©2010 Wesley Hill (P)2010 Zondervan

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