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Couverture de Unleashed


De : Cherrie Lynn
Lu par : Alix Dale
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    It's not enough that Kelsey's husband left her for another woman. Oh, no. The "other woman" had to be her best friend Evan's fiancée. Not only has she lost her marriage, she fears losing Evan to the lingering awkwardness and humiliation that hangs between them.

    Evan has no intention of letting that happen. He's got plans...namely, an extra plane ticket to Hawaii now that his future wife is out of the picture. There's only one person he wants on the trip with him, the one who's always been there for him. The one he should never have let slip away into the arms of a traitorous friend who shattered her heart.

    Kelsey is anticipating a week of fun in the sun with the man who's always treated her like a little sister. No one's more surprised when she discovers that Evan has seduction on his mind - and that she's more than ready for it.

    Love is the most powerful healing force of all. But past demons have a way of ripping open old wounds and threatening the survival of even the strongest friendship.

    ©2010 Lauren Dane (P)2013 Tantor

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