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Couverture de Trained at the Gym

Trained at the Gym

De : Cassie Cole
Lu par : Senn Annis, Curt Bonnem
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    Going to the gym has never been this much fun.

    My New Year’s resolution was to start exercising.

    I never expected to meet the men of my dreams.

    Yet, now that I’m going to Rocky Mountain Fitness every day?

    I’m getting sweaty with three of the sexiest guys imaginable.

    Finn, the jacked personal trainer whose shorts cling to his muscular body so tightly it leaves nothing to the imagination. He stretches me out before each workout and then spots me while I lift weights, gently touching my body to arrange me in just the right position.

    Max, the tall, gorgeous spin instructor with a quick wit and sarcastic smile. He finds new ways to raise my pulse and make me sweat - and only some of them take place on a spin machine.

    Brody, the handsome gym member with crystal-blue eyes and a body covered with lean muscle, flirts with me every time we cross paths. But we’re competing against each other in the gym’s quarterly points contest, and he has discovered a scintillating new way of distracting me....

    My three dedicated athletes find unique ways to send me to bed sore each night.

    From harmless hot tub flirting, to very personal training sessions, to long sports massages that soothe my aching muscles.

    But one of them is harboring a dark secret.

    And the truth is so shocking it will destroy everything I thought I knew about love.

    As our feelings grow more serious, how can I possibly choose between these three amazing men?

    Or in the end, will they decide for me?

    Trained at the Gym is a sizzling, stand-alone reverse-harem love story with enough gym-related action to get your heart racing. HEA guaranteed!

    ©2020 Cassie Cole (P)2020 Cassie Cole
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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