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  • Tokyo Sissy Hostess, Part Two: A Tale of Forced Feminization

  • Sissification Story and Crossdressing Fiction Selections, Book 4
  • De : Lilly Lustwood
  • Lu par : Lilly Lustwood
  • Durée : 54 min

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Couverture de Tokyo Sissy Hostess, Part Two: A Tale of Forced Feminization

Tokyo Sissy Hostess, Part Two: A Tale of Forced Feminization

De : Lilly Lustwood
Lu par : Lilly Lustwood
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    "Determined not to swallow one more insult from his father, he swallows his new role as an apprentice for a Sissy Geisha Training...but it wasn't as easy as he thought, most especially when the mama-san is a stern Japanese transgender woman."

    Tokyo Sissy Hostess, Part Two is the continuation of Lilly Lustwood's second offering from her sissification story and crossdressing fiction selections.

    An American backpacker has never, for a single waking moment of his life, imagined that he would become Tokyo’s First American Sissy Hostess in a Premier Karaoke Club for Gentlemen.

    Meet Louie Liddledich, a 24-year-old vlogger who had dreams of earning money by documenting his travels. He has been to 18 countries on his father’s dime, and he promised himself that it would be his last travel using his money.

    Tired of his upper-class family’s nagging about taking over the family business and being called a disappointment, he was determined to escape.

    In part two, Louie wanted more after he succumbed to his Japanese mama-san's insatiable girlnoodle. Little did he know, the race to his Japanese mama-san's heart and being the numbawan sissy hostess in Japan was just about to begin. How will he handle a formidable sissy opponent and be financially free in his rigorous Japanese sissy training?

    Discover how Louie swallowed his Pride, Ego, Masculinity, and more *wink*, in this Tale of Forced Feminization.

    Clutch your pearl necklace tight and prepare for a wild femdom sissy feminization and transgender romance ride!

    ©2022 Ramon Abram Dela Cruz (P)2023 Ramon Abram Dela Cruz
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Érotisme

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