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Couverture de The Weight of Love

The Weight of Love

De : Jolene Dubois
Lu par : Katrina Medina
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    Standing before him now, she flashed a smile of perfect white teeth.

    “Hey, I thought that was you. Sorry I didn’t get back to you, I’ve been really busy.”

    God she had such a sexy voice. He swallowed nervously, his heart thumping as he tried to keep his gaze from lowering too far south of her neckline. Where did those boobs come from?

    “That’s okay,” he said. “How have you been?”

    She gestured at her leg. “I’m alright, still limping around a little.”

    “Yeah, I saw that, I mean…heard about it.”

    “Either buy somesing or go!” the tiny asian woman behind the counter said, boldly expressing her traditional Seattle friendliness. Autumn turned with her bag of Cheetos and iced tea and went to check out. She asked for a pack of yellow American Spirits and paid. He followed behind and did the same, although his eyes couldn’t help but focus on Autumn’s ass and the delicious way it moved. They stepped outside and slowly walked together toward home.

    “Sooo which building are you in?” Autumn said. Mike shifted his little brown grocery bag to his left arm and pointed across the street.

    “The blue one with the white pillars.”

    “Wow you really are right next door.” He shrugged as the walk sign came on.

    “It was a good price.”

    She continued to move gingerly, trying not to put too much weight on her right leg, although she was wearing boots with half inch heels so she couldn’t have been that bad.

    “I think you’ll like living on the hill,” she said. “It’s a fun neighborhood, great restaurants all around this area.”

    “I’ll bet, although I hope you haven't had to walk too much with that foot.”

    “I manage.”

    As they approached their buildings, Mike knew the moment of truth had arrived. Would she still be interested in him? He knew that with girls like Autumn you typically get one chance, and one chance only. She was difficult to read, but the way she looked at him seemed promising.

    ©2023 Jolene Dubois (P)2023 Jolene Dubois
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Érotisme

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