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  • Tantric Sex: Tantric Secrets and Sex Positions to Revitalize Your Sex Life. Increase Your Sexual Energy and Libido

  • De : Eva Becker
  • Lu par : Scarlett Reed
  • Durée : 3 h et 18 min

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Tantric Sex: Tantric Secrets and Sex Positions to Revitalize Your Sex Life. Increase Your Sexual Energy and Libido

De : Eva Becker
Lu par : Scarlett Reed
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    Unleash your sexual energy with ancient practices....

    Are you curious about new sex techniques?

    Would you like to experience sex as something bigger than physical pleasure?

    Would you like a more harmonious relationship with your partner?

    Then Tantric sex is right for you! 

    It’s an ancient approach to sex that focuses on the exchange of sexual energy between lovers rather than simple physical movements. Tantric sex emphasizes intimacy and the awakening of sexual energy by means of long foreplay sessions and massage. It also provides unforgettable physical sensations: Women experience deeper and longer orgasms, and men are able to orgasm several times during a single Tantric sex session! 

    Sounds exciting? Then you should definitely try Tantric sex with your loved one. This book will be your guide into the amazing world of Tantric pleasure. It covers a variety of topics, ranging from the philosophy of Tantric sex to specific sexual techniques that will boost your pleasure in ways you’ve never experienced before. This book by sexpert Eva Becker is sure to open a new world of sensual pleasure for you! 

    With the help of this book, you will:

    • Discover the unique benefits of Tantric sex.
    • Learn about the different styles of Tantric sex and choose the one that matches your goals and experience level.
    • Get to know tantric sex positions, proper breathing, and foreplay techniques.
    • Deepen the spiritual harmony and intimacy between yourself and your loved one - this harmony will extend into everyday life too!
    • Learn how to last longer (Tantric sex sessions can last for hours) and have multiple orgasms, even if you’re a man!

    Get to know Tantric sex positions, proper breathing, and foreplay new sexual horizons! 

    Scroll up and click on "Buy Now"!

    ©2019 Eva Becker (P)2020 Eva Becker

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